Tuesday, October 12, 2010

in this first example we see the very early stages of developing the character for the movie. as you can see the character based on basic lines that create SHAPES that define the character and it gives us an idea of how the character will end up looking like. this basic shapes can easily describe an endless combination and variation to delivered physical forms that can be picked up easily by the viewer.

this example of the modeling in 3d of a character's head, allowes us to see that in the early stage of this process, the LINES are used to previsualizar a palpable form or shape which id does not completely exists, exept in the imagination of the viewer. in the secon part of the picture you can see that basic lines can create images with a lot of detail when applied correctly.
in this, even though is drawn with only one color, it is possible to see the details regarding the 3dmentional shape of the character thanks to the toning of the lighting and shading of the character. we can see a pop up effect thanks to the darkening of some parts in the body, where the things that are closer seem to be darker than the other other ones that seem to be in the back because they are lighter in tone. we can disthinghish light from shadow thanks to the overlapping of both.

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