Tuesday, December 14, 2010

week 15 hw

I have to say that for me was very difficult to fin an image that had all three levels in digital animation.


The representational part is well defined since we can see every single character in the picture.
They all have their own individual identity and take center stage in the image, it is very difficult to not look at these characters they are he most conspicuous part of the picture, they are the first thing the viewer looks at.
The representation of the characters although not accurate or real, help to create a better composition and understanding of image itself.


We can see that although the characters are representational, we can also say that they denote abstraction since these are characters that don't really exist in real life.
The abstraction of the characters also makes them a little more entertaining because they are different than real life people and they are charming and fun to look at.

For the symbolism part we can see here is the obvious letter that describe the name of the movie, they are are in the middle of the picture so the viewer can identify the name of this particular movie. the writing describes the name and date, so that the viewer identifies that name with the characters of this film.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

week 14 homework

in this picture we can see the abstraction of the tree-like pillars are helping the structure of the building to remain standing. the designer wanted to denote the strength and support that trees have. he used the tree representation to build all the support for the building. the branches of the pillar spread on the ceiling giving the inside of the structure a forrest-like look. for the viewers is easy to see the intention of the designers since the shapes of the trees and pillars have a very armonious fusion.
A gender symbol is a symbol used to denote the sex of life form or gender of a human being. The two standard gender symbols denoting male and female are derived from astrological symbols denoting the classical planets of Mars and Venus respectively. These symbols have been in use since the Renissance, also denoting elements in alchemy specifically the metals iron and copper. in this example we see that the two symbols are intertwined together. th connection that there is between men and women, the designer wanted to denote the connection there is among both sexes. the symbols on the design do not need any tittle since they are broadly known and used.

this is the picture of a olympic stadium in China, the designer wanted the viewer to relate the buliding to a real bird's nest. although we know this is not a real bird's nest the viewer can see the resemblance due to the amount of detail in the construction of the building making it look very realistic specially from far away. the shape, the twigs surrounding the structure, the hole in the middle, are well defined ,giving the structure a clear message of what the designer intended to do for the viewer. the designer built a bird's nest, and that is what the viewer sees.

Monday, November 15, 2010

week 12

juxtaposition, irregularity, complexity, fragmentation, intricacy, spontaneity, activeness, variation, depth, diffusion, randomness.
juxtaposition, balance, neutrality, simplicity, unity, variation, depth, sequentility, asymmetry.

even though both images have some of the same visual techniques. the composition and message between the two are very different. in the image above we can see that the composition is much less structured and it feels very animated and free, although all the characters are separated from each other in a random way they still retain their individual character. the image below te composition is much more structured and in a way predictable, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary or chaotic. it seems controlled and very easy to to look at, where as on the other image the eyes are constantly moving to be able to scan every part of the image.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 11 CONTRASt

in the image above we have a good example of contrast and creativity. we have two very different characters that portrait different messages. in one we can see hardship and the past, on the other we can see the future and hope. on one hand we have the rather dirty and obsolete piece of junk robot who looks old and worn out . on the other we have the brand new state of the art very conspicuous robot which looks less complex. durable and efficient. this contrast in character design is successful because we have both characters that need each to perfectly balance each others roles. if we had two of the same characters then there would be no contrast, and it would be very difficult to distinguish them from one another.

the two images above are example of two different interface of the 3D animation software. in the one above you can see that is easier to interact with the menus, the contrast created by the gray background and the white color in the menu boxes makes a pop out effect that meakes them more noticesable. on the image below we have the newest version of the same 3D software. the sofware itself is the same but the interface has change dramatically. there is almost no contrast between the background and menus. this makes it very difficult to interact with commands. the options on the interface are very difficult to distinguish because the icons are all very similar in color and tone. the designers I think try to give the user a less brighter and eye friendly interface, but they fail to make things easier for the users because is very difficult to maneuver because of the lack of a balance contrast in tone between the menus and background.

Monday, November 1, 2010

WK_10 HW

the poster above is from the movie car. we can see that there are some motion cues that make the character look as if it was moving. we can see the illusion of direction from the front lights of the car and the blur in all the background. these two main cues in the poster are key to succesfully imply motion in the image, if we were to take the background away the character in the poster would look motionless.

in the image above we can see how motion is succesfuly applied. the animators chose to make it look as if the enviroment around the character was fading away. the curve of the street and the direction the charcter is facing make our eyes automatically go to the left end of the image. the houses and the trees are overlapped by the road, and therefore it looks as though the were farther away. without the curvature of the road and the overlapping of the houses and the tree with the road, it would be very difficult to see any king of implied motion.

Monday, October 25, 2010


the image above is a poster for the movie wall-e. we can see in this example different cues of space, depth and dimention that help us to understand better the composition of 3dmentional objects on a 2dimentional surface. relative size, atmospheric, texture gradient and overlap.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


in the example above from a 3D software we can see how lighting has a very important role in defining the toning of the basic shape of the sphere in the picture. we can see the different values that allows us to see the 3dmencional form of the sphere. the juxtaposition of the different values help to create an illusion of lighting and shadows.

in the two images above we can see how important is the color applied to the object. we can see the color projected from the light onto the surface the screwdriver is on. we notice that the color reflected off the floor is a little different, the color from the transparency and the color of the floor mix to create a different Tone (value) to give a realistic color perception. also we can see the tone of the yellow in the screw driver where the color gets darker to imply shadow and emphasize the grooves on the handle.