Monday, November 1, 2010

WK_10 HW

the poster above is from the movie car. we can see that there are some motion cues that make the character look as if it was moving. we can see the illusion of direction from the front lights of the car and the blur in all the background. these two main cues in the poster are key to succesfully imply motion in the image, if we were to take the background away the character in the poster would look motionless.

in the image above we can see how motion is succesfuly applied. the animators chose to make it look as if the enviroment around the character was fading away. the curve of the street and the direction the charcter is facing make our eyes automatically go to the left end of the image. the houses and the trees are overlapped by the road, and therefore it looks as though the were farther away. without the curvature of the road and the overlapping of the houses and the tree with the road, it would be very difficult to see any king of implied motion.

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