Monday, November 15, 2010

week 12

juxtaposition, irregularity, complexity, fragmentation, intricacy, spontaneity, activeness, variation, depth, diffusion, randomness.
juxtaposition, balance, neutrality, simplicity, unity, variation, depth, sequentility, asymmetry.

even though both images have some of the same visual techniques. the composition and message between the two are very different. in the image above we can see that the composition is much less structured and it feels very animated and free, although all the characters are separated from each other in a random way they still retain their individual character. the image below te composition is much more structured and in a way predictable, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary or chaotic. it seems controlled and very easy to to look at, where as on the other image the eyes are constantly moving to be able to scan every part of the image.

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